Ms. Jennifer Murnane » Resources


Classroom Resources
We will be using several online resources this year. Now more than ever, it will be very important for students and parents to know how to access these resources. Reach out at any time with questions or technology issues: [email protected]
Daily learning and assignments will be posted in Google Classroom. Students can easily access this resource once they are signed in to their school email. Parents will be given the option of receiving weekly reports of their student's progress, missing assignments, and graded work. 
ClassKick will often be used to complete assignments as well. ClassKick offers the unique ability for students to show their work and in ELA, correct sentences without the help of word processing. 
The Summit Learning Platform is new to fifth grade this year! We are excited to offer this unique learning platform to supplement our ELA, Math, Science, and Social Studies curricula. 
This website offers grammar, verb usage, punctuation, and writing practice. ELA teachers assign skills and students will work to practice and polish their skills to be better readers, writers, and speakers. Students will be able to easily access this resource once they are signed into their email and are connected through the "Sign in with Google" option.
ELA teachers will use stories and other resources from this website to enhance ELA instruction and support online learning.
Students will be able to easily access this resource once they are signed into their email and are connected through the "Sign in with Google" option.
Students will be utilizing this resource as an interactive way to view a video and enhance their learning. Teachers will be able to monitor viewing and progress with this tool. Students will be able to easily access this resource once they are signed into their email and are connected through the "Sign in with Google" option.
Students will use this tool to test the knowledge of skills taught. Teachers will design quizizz activities to test knowledge and inform teaching. Students will be able to easily access this resource once they are signed into their email and are connected through the "Sign in with Google" option.