Michele Shawver » 6th Grade Class Expectations

6th Grade Class Expectations

Classroom and School Rules Contract 

6th Grade

I pledge to follow all classroom and school rules as stated by my school and teachers. I will be respectful, responsible, and ready in all areas of the school community.  I understand that rules are in place so that our school can be a safe and orderly learning environment geared towards student success.  I understand that if I do not follow classroom and school rules there will be consequences for my actions.


Our Classroom Rules

Be Responsible

Be Respectful

Be Ready

Complete my work on time and do your best.

Listen to adults.

Have materials ready.

Be an active learner.

Raise hand and wait to be called on to speak.

Have materials organized.

Ask for help when needed.

Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

Be on time.

Use materials appropriately.

Treat others the way you want to be treated.


Clean up after myself.

Allow others to learn


All chair legs on the floor.

Cooperate with others.


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